Hello and welcome. I am now a Reel.com affiliate site. I have full faith in the company and have decided to be an affiliate site after careful consideration. So please feel free to check out what's available below. You can buy the actual movie Lilies, other movies the actors have been in, other movies by John Greyson or related movies with the same sort of atmosphere and content. In many cases with the actors, I have only listed a couple of their movies. You can use the search function below to find a complete list of their movies.
Lilies is a little pricy. I've compared it with prices offered by other companies on the Internet and believe it or not, it's the cheapest. I e-mailed and asked why and you can click here to see the correspondence that ensued.
Urinal (1988)
starring Olivia Rojas, George Spelvin
not rated, drama, gay/lesbian, cult, 100 minutes
New VHS - $25.99
Description: Postmodern pastiche brings together four famous queer artists (Kahlo, Mishima,
Eisenstein, Hughes) to discuss Canadian oppression of homosexuals. Exasperating yet intelligent,
it's best appreciated by fans of the genre.
On My Own (1994)
starring Judy David, Matthew Ferguson
not rated, drama, 130 minutes
New VHS - $67.99
Description: Chilly tale of 15-year-old boy coming of age and discovering his mother's
long-hidden mental illness. Fans of literate and uncompromising dramas are impressed by this
perfectly wrought gem.
Orlando (1993)
starring Tilda Swinton and Quentin Crisp
Acclaimed history-spanning drama features more subtle gender-bending.
Death in Venice (1971)
starring Dirk Bogarde, Mark Burns
Equally romantic look at gay artist's last days, final infatuation.
The Hanging Garden (1998)
starring Chris Leavins, Kerry Fox
Equally poetic look at gay adolescents has similarly striking visuals.
Beautiful Thing (1996)
starring Glen Berry, Scott Neal
New VHS - $14.99
More gritty, realistic look at young gay love. Equally touching.